Secured Loans


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Fully Secured Loans

If you are looking for a great way to build your credit score consider taking a Fully Secured Loan. A Fully Secured Loan is 100% backed by funds already existing in an account at the Credit Union. The loan offers our lowest interest rate of 3% above the rate you are earning on the account you wish to secure it against. Keep your money safe while earning interest in the Credit Union and still be able to spend it! Once you have finished paying off your loan, you will still have your money in the bank and it will have grown from the interest you've earned.

Partially Secured Loans

If you have been saving your money for something special and are only half way toward your goal, a Partially Secured Loan might be exactly what you need. This loan is 50% secured by funds already existing in an account at the Credit Union, and has a low fixed interest rate of 5% above the rate you are earning on the account you wish to secure it against. 

Type Term APR*
Fully Share Secured Up to 120 Months 3.00% over secured account
Partially Share Secured Up to 60 Months 5.00% over secured account

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate